Friday, 15 October 2010

Ferrari 2 - Concept Game

Ferrari 2 was meant to be the sequel to Ferrari Challenge. While working at Eutechnyx the game was still in concept stage and these mockups were created to establish the style early on to avoid disappointing last minute changes (which ALWAYS happen). I imagined this to be more sleeker than GT5 and tried to bring that across through the interface. It was enjoyable to work on, but hasnt seen the light of day - yet.

Garage Hub - concept

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

NASCAR 2011 - The Game!

A game about turning left - Fast.

A new trailer has just been released for this phenomenon (video link at end of post) and I'm not sure if the menus for the game will look anything like my mockups, but I thought I'd post them anyway. The trailer isnt looking too bad, just that GT5 has Nascar aswell, so there's some tough competition ahead.
Eutechnyx now have the license for Nascar so good luck to them and hope they make something worthwhile.

Nascar 2011 - The Game (Main menu mockup 1)

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

SuperCar Challenge (PS3)

Sucessor to Ferrari Challenge - SuperCar Challenge. Originally, concepted as the Gran Turismo Killer, turned out a bit 'cheap' - mainly due to poor marketing. Check out the mockups and screenshots and then compare the "Excellent, not-used, Professional" Trailer, and then the complete waste of space (Saved by the Bell) Official Trailer (Links at the bottom).

Car Select (mockup)

Monday, 20 September 2010

First Post - Ferrari Challenge (PS3, Wii)

First batch of screens for the Frontend UI of Ferrari Challenge (PS3, Wii).

This was the first major title I worked on and was pretty pleased with how it turned out. The design inspiration was taken from the body work of Ferrari's cars themselves; Chrome grills, Carbon-Fibre and standard issue glass. :)

Ferrari Challenge - Season Mode (mockup)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Starting UP!

Salam (Peace),

This is a test. TEsting. tests, more of them.

This a test image. Does him work? Medium sized

Sod this - going sleep.