Tuesday, 21 September 2010

SuperCar Challenge (PS3)

Sucessor to Ferrari Challenge - SuperCar Challenge. Originally, concepted as the Gran Turismo Killer, turned out a bit 'cheap' - mainly due to poor marketing. Check out the mockups and screenshots and then compare the "Excellent, not-used, Professional" Trailer, and then the complete waste of space (Saved by the Bell) Official Trailer (Links at the bottom).

Car Select (mockup)

Monday, 20 September 2010

First Post - Ferrari Challenge (PS3, Wii)

First batch of screens for the Frontend UI of Ferrari Challenge (PS3, Wii).

This was the first major title I worked on and was pretty pleased with how it turned out. The design inspiration was taken from the body work of Ferrari's cars themselves; Chrome grills, Carbon-Fibre and standard issue glass. :)

Ferrari Challenge - Season Mode (mockup)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Starting UP!

Salam (Peace),

This is a test. TEsting. tests, more of them.

This a test image. Does him work? Medium sized

Sod this - going sleep.